
Se afișează postări din iunie, 2014


One dream ,per .

making sense

     Orice iubire pe lumea asta este unica !      Poate doar iubirea lui Dumnezeu este aceeasi pentru toti.     Intre noi, ca si muritori ,iubim intr-un mod unic si splendid. Este minunat cand iubesti pe cineva.               Nu pot sa fiu in vreun alt fel decat indragostit, chiar de persoana cu povara iubirii mele iubeste pe altul.        Nici nu pot sa compar,pentru ca nu exista grade de comparatie.        Exista doar iubire in atatea feluri,cati oameni sunt.              Dar te iubesc fara doar si poate.

Something wispered , I listened.

        I remember trying to kill it, or embrace it. But i didn't know what was i was trying to kill, i didn't know what i wanted to embrace . It was a superficial control I had, a flick of control, nothing , I was behind, I was tied by my Ego, couldn't make sense of it.         But in there, in the dark, the only thing i could do, was to hear, and i heard it all, i heard everything as I was unable to have a voice of my own , I heard them talking....and knew it wasn't me.         But how could I get out , how? Everything was like a second for me, where I am there is no time, no space, no egos , nothing. But i had the rare gift of life, but cuffed for so long it's not a living at all.          So I started to come to strenght, to surface, to reflect the simplicity of voidness, and it seemed like something complicating simple for the other egos , for the other ja...

Changing charts


i wanted only you

  Sa fi om.