
Se afișează postări din noiembrie, 2011


         It's just like  the get back flashes !          And you say to this realy happening?          Visual memorys ....i can sense her touching my body ,i can smell her perfume's like a shock bringing me back....mmmm icredible ...mmm              Doar o secunda de...timiditate !!!!!


            Fascinanta fantezie, fascinantul dans al pasiunii...               Al focului mai bine spus...focul care sta constant pana gand gaseste alt foc cu care sa isi mistuie mitica putere de ardere de mistuire a fiecarui simt ....distrugerea oricarei realitati, revenind la incipit ,totul la un alt nivel ...cel mai inalt nivel de intelegere ...            Ah glorie absintului ...pentru serile petrecute pe covor cu ea...focul intens pe care tocmai ce l-am descoperit , un foc care nu credeam sa il mai simt vreodata atat de aproape...atat de puternic ,atata energie .         Abia se asteapta dezlantuita ,rupta de sub lacaturi , ca o fiara sa smulga sa muste sa zgarie sopteasca la ureche lucruri pe care nu vroiai sa le asculti, dar iti fierbea sangele in vene cand le ascultai frenetic.         Dorintza...atingerile ,soaptele totul cu putere...
Niste solutii sau doar..o noua alternativa? :)

Pentru ca ....

Shadows are falling and I'm running out of breath Keep me in your heart for awhile If I leave you it doesn't mean I love you any less Keep me in your heart for awhile When you get up in the morning and you see that crazy sun Keep me in your heart for while There's a train leaving nightly called when all is said and done Keep me in your heart for while Sha-la-la-la-la-la-la-li-li-lo Keep me in your heart for while Sha-la-la-la-la-la-la-li-li-lo Keep me in your heart for while Sometimes when you're doing simple things around the house Maybe you'll think of me and smile You know I'm tied to you like the buttons on your blouse Keep me in your heart for while Hold me in your thoughts, take me to your dreams Touch me as I fall into view When the winter comes keep the fires lit And I will be right next to you Engine driver's headed north to Pleasant Stream Keep me in your heart for while. ....Devine destul de greu sa stapanesc furtuna cu care ma lupt de ceva...

it's time !

Finalul , sau mult asteptatul  inceput !